Quick library search: Go Anywhere Subject Title Author Series Fiction Nonfiction Remember to take your library card with you. Get Crafty 52 random weekend projects : for budding invent...Thompson, Grant, author. Airbrushing scale model aircraftCarpenter, Robin, author. Alcohol ink : step-by-step techniques for ink-b...Delâge, Desirée, author. The art of papercraftHiebert, Helen, 1965- auth... The art of resin clay : techniques for creating...Haab, Sherri. Artisan air-dry clay : the beginner's guide to ...Hostašová, Radka, 1997- ... The big book of quick-to-finish quilts : 54 fas... Cat castles : 20 cardboard habitats you can bui...Oliver, Carin, author. Cattastic crafts : DIY projects for cats and ca...Ishikawa, Mariko, author. Collage your life : techniques, prompts, and in...Mowinski, Melanie, author. The complete Cricut machine handbook : a beginn...Holden, Angie, author. Creative beading. Vol. 13 : the best projects f... Creative book art : over 50 ways to upcycle boo...Youngs, Clare, author. Creative mending : beautiful darning, patching ...Noguchi, Hikaru, author. Cricut celebrations : digital die-cutting for a...Strutt, Laura, 1979- autho... Cross-stitch in the forest : 25 projects to cap...Pigeon, Max, author. Customize your cross-stitch : friends and famil...Dabczynski-Bean, Elizabeth... Cut, shape, assemble : easy woodworking crafts ...Paterson, Boo, author. Cute needle felted animal friends : adorable ca...Susa, Sachiko, author. Duct tape bags : 40 projects for totes, clutche...Morgan, Richela Fabian. Duct tape engineer : the book of big, bigger, a...Akiyama, Lance, author. The embroidery handbook : all the stitches you ...Shah, Dhara, author. Everyday quilting : the complete beginner's guideFulton, Jennifer, author. Fun with cork : 35 Do-It-Yourself projects for ...Handrup, Jutta, author. Furniture flips : 25 bright and vibrant painted...Condon, Joanne, author. Jewelry making for beginners : step-by-step, si...Powley, Tammy, author. Kawaii origami : super cute origami paper and p...Pushkin, Chrissy, author. Knitting almanac : projects, stitches, lessons,...Martin, Sophie, author. Leather sewing : 8 new projects for leather cra...Bothe, Carsten, author. Made in paracord! : 25 great jewelry, accessori...Wynne, Caitlin, author. Making practical backyard projects in wood : be... Making things : finding use, meaning, and satis...Boyle, Erin, author. Mandalas to embroider : kaleidoscope stitching ...Envoldsen-Harris, Carina. My tiny indoor garden : houseplant heroes and t...Leendertz, Lia, author. Natural cosmetics : indulge yourself with 20 ec...Duménil, Sara, author. The natural soapmaking handbook : easy recipes ...Khabra, Simi, author. Paper quilling for beginners : a complete all-i...Nakatani, Motoko Maggie, a... Playing with trains : a passion beyond scalePosey, Sam. Rock painting for beginnersRechl, Christine, 1963- au... Stitches and seams : essential sewing skills fo...Macias, Valeria Carrandi, ... Supersize crochet animals : 20 adorable amiguru...Simpson, Kristi, author. Tiny felt cuties & creaturesIris, Delilah, author. Whittling : 20 mindful makes to reconnect head,...Barn the Spoon. Woodcraft : master the art of green woodworking...Barn the Spoon, author. Woven in wire : dimensional wire weaving in fin...Thompson, Sarah, 1981- aut... Yarn hooking : 14 fabulous projects for the mod...Rennison, Carole, author. Irish Authors Apeirogon : a novelMcCann, Colum, 1965- autho... The ballad of Lord Edward and Citizen SmallJordan, Neil, 1950- author... Breath by breathLlywelyn, Morgan, author. The butchers' blessingGilligan, Ruth, author. The detective up lateMcKinty, Adrian. author. Dirty laundry : a novelBose, Disha, author. DraculaStoker, Bram, 1847-1912, a... Exciting times : a novelDolan, Naoise, 1992- autho... Factory girls : a novelGallen, Michelle, 1975- au... A few of the girls : [stories]Binchy, Maeve, 1940-2012, ... The glorious heresies : a novelMcInerney, Lisa, author. House of names : a novelTóibín, Colm, 1955- auth... The house on Vesper Sands : a novelO'Donnell, Paraic, author. The hunterFrench, Tana, author. Intermezzo : a novelRooney, Sally, author. The island child : a novelAitken, Molly, author. A keeper : a novelNorton, Graham, 1963- auth... Last storiesTrevor, William, 1928-2016... The lesser bohemiansMcBride, Eimear, author. Little crueltiesNugent, Liz, author. LoveDoyle, Roddy, 1958- author... The love object : selected storiesO'Brien, Edna, author. Maeve in America : essays by a girl from somewh...Higgins, Maeve, author. The marriage portraitO'Farrell, Maggie, 1972- a... Milkman : a novelBurns, Anna, 1962- author. Old God's timeBarry, Sebastian, 1955- au... Opened ground : selected poems, 1966-1996Heaney, Seamus, 1939-2013 The picture of Dorian GrayWilde, Oscar, 1854-1900. A portrait of the artist as a young manJoyce, James, 1882-1941. PostscriptAhern, Cecelia, 1981- auth... The pull of the stars : a novelDonoghue, Emma, 1969- auth... The queen of Dirt IslandRyan, Donal, 1977- author. The Rachel incidentO'Donoghue, Caroline, auth... ShadowplayO'Connor, Joseph, 1963- au... SnowBanville, John, author. Soldier sailor : a novelKilroy, Claire, 1973- auth... Time of the childWilliams, Niall, 1958- aut... A traveler at the gates of wisdom : a novelBoyne, John, 1971- author. TroublesFarrell, J. G. (James Gord... Walking with ghosts : a memoirByrne, Gabriel, 1950- auth... The woman who stole my lifeKeyes, Marian, author. The wren, the wren : a novelEnright, Anne, 1962- autho... Womens History Month Ashley's war : the untold story of a team of wo...Lemmon, Gayle Tzemach auth... The Barbizon : the hotel that set women freeBren, Paulina, author. The Black Angels : the untold story of the nurs...Smilios, Maria, author. A Black women's history of the United StatesBerry, Daina Ramey, author... The book of gutsy womenClinton, Hillary Rodham, a... Breaking through : my life in scienceKarikó, Katalin, author. Capital dames : the Civil War and the women of ...Roberts, Cokie, author. Civil rights queen : Constance Baker Motley and...Brown-Nagin, Tomiko, 1970-... The code breaker : Jennifer Doudna, gene editin...Isaacson, Walter, author. The counterfeit Countess : the Jewish woman who...White, Elizabeth B., autho... Dearie : the remarkable life of Julia ChildSpitz, Bob. Desert queen : the extraordinary life of Gertru...Wallach, Janet, 1942- The doctors Blackwell : how two pioneering sist...Nimura, Janice P., author. Eighty days : Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland'...Goodman, Matthew. Empress of the Nile : the daredevil archaeologi...Olson, Lynne, author. Empresses of Seventh Avenue : World War II, New...MacDonell, Nancy, author. Eve : how the female body drove 200 million yea...Bohannon, Cat, author. The exceptions : Nancy Hopkins, MIT, and the fi...Zernike, Kate, author. Fifty Black women who changed AmericaAlexander, Amy, 1963- First to the front : the untold story of Dickey...Rinehart, Lorissa, author. Fly girls : how five daring women defied all od...O'Brien, Keith, 1973- auth... The girls of Atomic City : the untold story of ...Kiernan, Denise. The glass universe : how the ladies of the Harv...Sobel, Dava. The great stewardess rebellion : how women laun...McShane Wulfhart, Nell, au... Heartbreak is the national anthem : how Taylor ...Sheffield, Rob, author. Her dream of dreams : the rise and triumph of M...Lowry, Beverly. Hidden figures : the American dream and the unt...Shetterly, Margot Lee auth... The hiding placeTen Boom, Corrie. Kingmaker : Pamela Harriman's astonishing life ...Purnell, Sonia, author. Ladies for liberty : women who made a differenc...Blundell, John, 1952-2014. Ladies of liberty : the women who shaped our na...Roberts, Cokie. Liar, temptress, soldier, spy : four women unde...Kahler, Abbott, 1973- Lives of the wives : five literary marriagesCiuraru, Carmela, author. Miss May does not exist : the life and work of ...Courogen, Carrie, author. Mistress of the monarchy : the life of Katherin...Weir, Alison, 1951- The nine : the true story of a band of women wh...Strauss, Gwen, author. Rocket girl : the story of Mary Sherman Morgan,...Morgan, George D. Secret lives of the first ladiesO'Brien, Cormac, 1967- The six : the lives of the Mitford sistersThompson, Laura, 1964- aut... The six : the untold story of America's first w...Grush, Loren, author. Supreme sirens : iconic Black women who revolut...Reynolds, Marcellas, 1967-... Susan, Linda, Nina, & Cokie : the extraordinary...Napoli, Lisa, 1963- author... The swans of Harlem : five Black ballerinas, fi...Valby, Karen, author. Swimming pretty : the untold story of women in ...Valosik, Vicki, author. Valiant women : the extraordinary American serv...Andrews, Lena S., author. Victoria the queen : an intimate biography of t...Baird, Julia (Julia Woodla... The woman they could not silence : one woman, h...Moore, Kate (Writer and ed... The woman who would be king : Hatshepsut's rise...Cooney, Kara. Women's diaries of the westward journey Young and restless : the girls who sparked Amer...Kahn, Mattie, author. 2025 Southwest Florida Reading Festival All roads lead homeMacomber, Debbie, author. And then you were gone : a novelJacobs, R. J., author. August SnowJones, Stephen Mack, autho... The best friend braceletCollier, Nicole D., author... The best is yet to come : a novelMacomber, Debbie, author. Blind to midnightColeman, Reed Farrel, 1956... BombshellMacLean, Sarah, author. The bookshop on the corner : a novelColgan, Jenny, author. Borrowed timeClark, Tracy, 1961- author... BreakoutMessner, Kate, author. BrideHazelwood, Ali, author. BroilerCranor, Eli, 1988- author. CapeHannigan, Kate, author. Close knit : a novelColgan, Jenny, author. Clouds over CaliforniaParsons, Karyn, 1968- auth... The collective : a novelGaylin, Alison, author. A cruel thirstMontoya, Angela, author. Dark and shallow liesSain, Ginny Myers, author. Dead of winterJones, Stephen Mack, autho... Deus XJones, Stephen Mack, autho... Don't know toughCranor, Eli, 1988- author. Dungeons and dramaBoyce, Kristy, author. EchoClark, Tracy, 1961- author... The edge of summerShipman, Viola, author. Emma McKenna, full outMessner, Kate, author. Every note played : a novelGenova, Lisa, author. Famous in a small townShipman, Viola Flora and friends ABCIdle, Molly, author, illus... Flora and the flamingoIdle, Molly Forget me notSoto, Julie, 1988- author. Good riddanceLipman, Elinor, author. HeartbreakerMacLean, Sarah, author. Hot British boyfriendBoyce, Kristy, author. How high the moonParsons, Karyn, 1968- auth... Just right JillianCollier, Nicole D., author... KnockoutMacLean, Sarah, author. The leftover woman : a novelKwok, Jean, author. Loathe to love youHazelwood, Ali, author. Mambo in ChinatownKwok, Jean. The mango tree : a memoir of fruit, Florida, an...Tometich, Annabelle, 1980-... The many fortunes of MayaCollier, Nicole D., author... MaskHannigan, Kate, author. More or less Maddy : a novelGenova, Lisa, author. Must love flowers : a novelMacomber, Debbie, author. Nellie vs. Elizabeth : two daredevil journalist...Hannigan, Kate, author. Not another love songSoto, Julie, 1988- author. Not in loveHazelwood, Ali, author. On Turpentine LaneLipman, Elinor, author. One last breathSain, Ginny Myers, author. One of us is backMcManus, Karen M., author. Bridget Jones Is Back Ayesha at lastJalaluddin, Uzma, author. Bespelling Jane Austen The best of meSparks, Nicholas, author. Boyfriend materialHall, Alexis J., author. Bridget Jones : mad about the boyFielding, Helen, 1958- aut... Bridget Jones's baby : the diariesFielding, Helen, 1958- aut... Bridget Jones's diaryFielding, Helen, 1958- By the book : a novelSonneborn, Julia, author. Dangerous allianceCohen, Jennieke, author. Death comes to PemberleyJames, P. D. EligibleSittenfeld, Curtis. Emma : a modern retellingMcCall Smith, Alexander, 1... Emma of 83rd StreetBellezza, Audrey, author. Evening classBinchy, Maeve. 1940-2012. FallingGreen, Jane, 1968- author. The flatshareO'Leary, Beth, author. The forgotten bookGläser, Mechthild, author... Ghosted : a Northanger Abbey novelQuain, Amanda, author. The heir affairCocks, Heather, author. The heiress : the revelations of Anne de BourghGreeley, Molly, author. The husbands : a novelGramazio, Holly, author. The idea of youLee, Robinne, 1974- author... Is she really going out with him? : a novelCousens, Sophie, author. Jane and the year without a summerBarron, Stephanie, author. Just one tasteDent, Lizzy, author. Kilt tripKiley, Alexandra, author. LongbournBaker, Jo. The love matchTaslim, Priyanka, author. Love your life : a novelKinsella, Sophie, author. Major Pettigrew's last standSimonson, Helen. Manslaughter ParkPrice, Tirzah, author. Most ardently : a Pride & prejudice remixNovoa, Gabe Cole, author. Never too lateCarr, Robyn The no-showO'Leary, Beth, author. Pride and prejudice and PittsburghLippincott, Rachael, autho... Royal holidayGuillory, Jasmine, author. The royal weCocks, Heather, author. Second honeymoonTrollope, Joanna. Sex, lies and sensibilityPayne, Nikki, 1982- author... Someone else's shoesMoyes, Jojo, 1969- author. The stars we stealDonne, Alexa, author. This time next yearCousens, Sophie, author. To have and to hoax : a novelWaters, Martha, 1988- auth... To love and to loathe : a novelWaters, Martha, 1988- auth... The wake-up callO'Leary, Beth, author. Where the rhythm takes youDass, Sarah, author. The Cover was Red Artemis Fowl : the lost colonyColfer, Eoin, author. Blood & honeyMahurin, Shelby, author. Catching fireCollins, Suzanne Cemetery boysThomas, Aiden, author. Concrete roseThomas, Angie, author. A court of thorns and rosesMaas, Sarah J. author. CovetWolff, Tracy, author. Dark matter : a novelCrouch, Blake, author. FiregirlAbbott, Tony, 1952- FlotsamWiesner, David. The GruffaloDonaldson, Julia, 1948- Heaven official's blessing = Tian guan ci fu. 1Moxiangtongxiu, author. House of earth and bloodMaas, Sarah J., author. How to catch a loveosaurusWalstead, Alice, author. IlluminaeKaufman, Amie, author. ImpulseHopkins, Ellen. Klara and the sunIshiguro, Kazuo, 1954- aut... Me before youMoyes, Jojo, 1969- Olivia helps with ChristmasFalconer, Ian, 1959-2023 RedSeeger, Laura Vaccaro, aut... The red bookLehman, Barbara. The Rosie projectSimsion, Graeme C. Ruin and risingBardugo, Leigh. The story of FerdinandLeaf, Munro, 1905-1976. ViciousSchwab, Victoria. What we talk about when we talk about books : t...Price, Leah, author.